Get Vote Ready
Our premier workshop is dedicated to empowering newly registered voters. We start with the role of various levels of government (federal/state/county/local) and then discuss the various races, initiatives, referendums, and amendments that may appear on the ballot; how to research candidates; how to identify non-partisan sources of information; how to find your polling place; alternative voting mechanisms; what to expect on election day.
Envisioning our Community Town Hall
By facilitating open discussion about how Arkansans see their community, we are able to focus on our shared hopes rather than our different places and identities. This workshop uses proven techniques grounded in sound pedagogy to craft a community vision and mission.
Resource Building
This phase helps communities identify the resources they already have and share the resources available. For example, they may have the power of their vote, but not thoroughly understand how the government and politics are structured and therefore, do not effectively wield that vote. This workshop begins to change that narrative.
Meet Your Neighbors
This event brings together communities within a region or cluster to share best practices.
Find Your Voice
This workshop focuses on more advanced forms of Direct Democracy afforded to Arkansans such as BQCs, statewide initiatives, and referendums.
Leadership for 21st Century Communities
This session identifies the best practices in leadership from proven successful communities and corporations and provides opportunities for local leadership to practice and internalize those skills that lead to positive outcomes.
All our workshops are led by experienced educators with specialized training in civic engagement, community building, and political/government institutions. Our two lead facilitators are Davis Hendricks and Dr. Gail Choate.